Online Appointment Scheduling System

AMOAS; Afghanistan missions online appointment system


How to make an appointment here?
  1. Step 1: Create an Account
    Sign up on our platform to manage your appointments and access services.
  2. Step 2: Select a Service
    Log in and choose the service you need. Review the required documents and service details, then click the 'Next »' button at the bottom.
  3. Step 3: Enter Personal Information
    Fill in your personal details accurately and click 'Next »' to continue.
  4. Step 4: Choose Date and Time Pick an available date and time. Disabled dates may be fully booked or holidays.
  5. Step 5: Save/Print Appointment Confirmation
    You've successfully booked your appointment! Save or print the confirmation slip for your visit. It is necessary to bring show this confirmation slip at the mission.
Quick access links
  • Create an account here.
    Before going further, you must have a verified account.
  • Check your document status here.
    Like passport, birth certificate and etc...

Identity Documents / Verification
Legal Services

Package information and requirements
Please select a package to proceed.